Just wanted to introduce myself to you the reader before you continue viewing this website. My name is Stephanie Alicia James. I developed this website to help others who are interested in pursuing a career in law and to provide resources for those who are law students, as well as lawyers.
Featured within this website, you will discover an array of topics. I include Law School Admissions Test tips and what worked for me when I took the LSAT. You will discover information ranging from preparing for the LSAT and study tips to submitting your law school application to passing the bar exam. Also featured on this website is information about attorneys.
Within this website, I have included and will continue to include my experience through the process. I used resources from the Law School Admissions Council to help prepare for the LSAT test.
With this site, I want to help you as well if you are preparing for the LSAT. I hope that you can follow my journey and learn from any mistakes that I have made. I hope that you can take away a lesson, as you go through this experience with me.
So why is the test so hard people ask? Well, remember that your end goal is to become a lawyer. Why is the LSAT boring? Or studying for the LSAT so boring? Well, remember you are trying to become a lawyer and you should not view the LSAT that way. Yes, the LSAT is hard. Law school is hard. Being a successful lawyer is hard. It is hard work all the way around. But remember all the people you are helping along the way, as a lawyer.
My goal is that this site will help you. If you have any LSAT related questions, let me know. This site features several pages about the LSAT and law school admissions. Let me know of any content that you would like to discuss on my blog that accompanies this website.
If you are pregnant in law school, I offer a little information about that as well. If you are in your first trimester of pregnancy in law school, it can be a challenge. Especially, if you are experiencing fatigue.
For those that are preparing for the LSAT now or just researching about it, I highly recommend the LSAT Prep Company Powerscore. Powerscore has good resources and great books to help you prepare.
I write a monthly newsletter for this website and I offer LSAT tips within the newsletter. Enter your email address below and click subscribe to receive the newsletter.