Attorney Kameron Monet and Kelsey Ashby Talk About Their Law Career Pursuits

Kameron Monet

What is your mentorship program?-       So I actually don’t have an “official mentorship program” yet but I consider all my social media platforms a form of mentorship! I get several direct messages daily asking questions about law school, practicing law, and so much more. I love being a resource for people as well as showing representation in the legal field. Also, I do host a 1L, 2L, and 3L scholarship in the fall called The Legal Tea Scholarship by Kameron.”
Why did you decide to pursue a career in law?
-       Long story short, growing up I wanted to pursue a career in the performing arts. I loved everything about acting but once I got to college, I had to make the hard decision of choosing a major. I took a few law related classes, joined the mock trial team, and boom I was all in lol. I realized that the same feeling I got on stage was the same feeling I got in the courtroom. The communication, persuasive, reading and writing skills I gained in the performing arts directly correlated to law school.
What attracted you to employment law?
-       I did a summer clerkship with the law firm I currently work for and genuinely fell in love with learning about employment law. That’s how I knew this was the area for me!
So far is your position what you expected?
-       I wasn’t exactly sure what to expect when I started as an Associate Attorney, but it’s pretty much what I expected lol. I love my co-workers and the type of law I’m practicing. I’m constantly learning how to fully adjust to my position so there’s never a dull day!
What is your advice for those pursuing a law career?
-       First, congratulations for wanting to pursue a career in law! I think it’s an amazing field to be a part of and there are so many benefits to simply knowing and understanding laws.
What is your LSAT prep advice?
-       If you can afford it, invest in a LSAT prep course. If you cannot afford it, or just simply want to try to save money, self-study like I did. I used the PowerScore Bible books on Amazon. I suggest you study about 3-6 months out from the exam depending on how much time you can dedicate to studying. Also, I suggest you take the LSAT your junior year of undergrad so you can have enough time to get your score back, complete your application, and prepare to apply fall semester of your senior year.
What advice would you give a person going into their first year of law school?
-       I remember feeling nervous, anxious, and excited going into my first year of law school. Law school is a completely different ball game than undergrad or even master’s programs. Go in with an open mind and give yourself some grace. There is definitely a learning curve when it comes to reading material, finding the right study method that works for you, and adjusting to the level of stress that comes with the demanding workload of law school. But every attorney has done it and you can too!
What would be the advice you give a person entering into their third year of law school?
-       Third year is an exciting year! Your class load should be low and you are almost to the finish line. My best advice at this stage is to have fun and enjoy your last year of law school! There can be a lot of pressure added in the last year with graduation and the bar exam approaching but try your best to cherish every moment!
How can one prepare for the bar exam?
-       Many law schools include a bar course within the school tuition fees. My law school did and it made the process leading to studying for the bar exam much easier. I used Barbri and I highly recommend it. However, I have friends that used other bar courses and all passed. I always tell people to choose a course, follow the course, study hard, trust God, and you will pass.
Once a person passed the bar, what can they do to secure employment within 6 months?
-       My best advice would be to try to secure employment before graduating law school. I was blessed enough to receive my job offer before graduating law school. However, if you don’t get an offer until after you passed the bar exam you still have plenty of options. Networking is and will always be my number 1 advice to anyone entering the legal field. Get involved in your local bar association, they usually have a student section, or ask an attorney out for lunch or a coffee to talk to them about their transition into practicing law. Sometimes securing employment is as simple as putting a face or personality to a resume!

Kelsey Ashford

Where are you from and who inspires you?
I am from Columbia, South Carolina. I'm inspired by my mother and my two older sisters. I consider them my role models and I've always been influenced by their desire to always be strong, intelligent, and independent women. 

What school did you attend for undergrad? What did you get your degree in?  At what point, did you decide you want to pursue a law career?
In undergrad, I attended the University of South Carolina. I earned my bachelor's degree in public relations with a minor in English. However, I did not decide that I wanted to attend law school until I started my master's program shortly after undergrad. 

What inspired you to pursue law?
I was inspired to pursue law after attending my first Law School Open House. 

What type of law career are you pursuing?
I'm open to all divisions of law at this point because I know that I may find practice that I'll feel passionate about once I attend law school. However, I'm interested in criminal law, corporate law and international law at this time.  

What are your goals?
My goal is to obtain my Juris Doctor of Law and become an attorney. I'm open to all practices at this time. 

What are your LSAT tips?
My tips to studying for the LSAT include staying focused; you have to be dedicated and study consistency for as long as your program requires (if you purchase a program). Stay encouraged, even if the questions are difficult to understand, take a break and then take the time to review it again. It's easy to get frustrated by the material if you're not  familiar with philosophy or word games.  

What are your tips for practicing LSAT logical reasoning?
Logical reasoning is difficult because it's featured twice in the LSAT exam. I recommend focusing on the prompt (the question) before reading the stimulus (the paragraph) because it will help you figure out what kind of question you have to answer. It's important to know the question types so that you don't have to spend as much time trying to analyze the stimulus. From there, you'll be able to find the best answer in a timely manner. 

What books do you recommend for studying for the LSAT?
There are some really great tools that I recommend to help with studying for the LSAT. Khan Academy is a free online course. It's available to registered and non-registered LSAC students. There are other studying tools such as the PowerScore handbook to purchase the include sample tests from previous years. There are also LSAT study books that are available for purchase that break down each section of the exam. 

What are your tips when applying to law school?
My main tip for applying to law school is to make sure that you have the money to pay for your applications. Applying for law school can become expensive if you plan to apply to more than one school. The good thing about the LSAC database is that it houses all of your information regarding your application at one place. You pay for your CAS report and once you decide where you want to apply, then all you have to do is complete your application for the school that you want to attend. While most schools will offer fee waivers, you're required to pay for each application that you want sent to your institution. LSAC will also offer a CAS fee waiver to eligible applicants. So take advantage of any opportunity to save money!

Check out Kameron Monet's website at and her Instagram page.

Check out Kelsey Ashford's website at and her Youtube channel.